商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:dwyerchina.qy6.com 供应DWYER PTGD系列压差表_陕西正捷工程科技有限责任公司
联系人:查阳 先生 (销售经理)
电 话:029-86698996
手 机:13891958005




    DWYER PTGD系列压差表详细信息:

产品名称: PTGD系列压差表

产品型号: PTGD系列


The Series PTGD Differential Pressure Piston-Type Gage can beusedto measure the pressure drop across filters, strainers,pumpperformance testing, and heat exchanger pressure dropmonitoring.Its simple, rugged design possesses weather andcorrosion resistantgage front with a shatter resistant lens. TheSeries PTGD containsa piston-sensing element which providesdifferent differentialpressure ranges with full-scale accuracies of±2%. Constructed withaluminum or 316SS and available with two 1/4"female NPT endconnections, the Series PTGD provides over-rangeprotection ratedto 3000 psig (200 bar) or 6000 psig (400 bar)depending on model.Standard models come with in-line connections.Back or bottomconnections are also available.


介质: Compatible gases and liquids.

材质: Gage Body: Aluminum or 316 SS; Piston: Aluminum or 316SS;Spring: 302 SS; Seals: Buna-N (standard); PTFE, CeramicMagnet;Dial Case: Nylon 6 30% glass filled gage case.

Window: Acrylic.

精度: ±2% FS ascending.

耐压: 3000 psi (206 bar) for aluminum body; 6000 psi (413 bar) forSSbody.

尺寸: 2.5" (63 mm) or 4.5" (115 mm).

安装方向: Mount in any position.

过程连接: 1/4" female NPT end connections standard; 1/4" female NPTbackor bottom connections available. All styles available with1/4"BSP.

重量: Aluminum: Aluminum: 2.5" 0.88 lb (399 g); 4.5" 1.35 lbs (612g);Stainless Steel: 2.5" 1.75 lbs (794 g); 4.5" 2.3 lbs (1.04kg).1-9/32


查阳 先生 (销售经理)  
电  话: 029-86698996
传  真: 029-86691326
移动电话: 13891958005
公司地址: 中国陕西西安市雁塔区雁塔西路161号1202
邮  编: 710061
公司主页: http://dwyerchina.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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